Prof. Dr. Lena Ansmann
Lena Ansmann, born in 1985, studied public health from 2004 to 2010 at the Universities of Bremen, Malmö and Bielefeld. In 2014 she finished her doctorate at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Cologne, on “The patient-physician interaction and the hospital context – studies on social support from physicians in breast cancer care”. Her doctoral thesis was awarded with the Reinhold-Schwarz-Award for Psychooncology.
In 2015 she was appointed as Assistant Professor for Methods of Implementation and Evaluation in Therapeutic Education and Health Services Research at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the University of Cologne. In 2017 Lena Ansmann was appointed as Professor for Organizational Health Services Research at the University of Oldenburg. There she led the Division for Organizational Health Services Research at the Department of Health Services Research. Besides the establishment of a new Master’s program in Health Services Research, she has been involved in the foundation of the Crossborder Institute of Healthcare Systems and Prevention (CBI), a joint collaboration of the Universities of Oldenburg and Groningen (NL). In 2023 Lena Ansmann was appointed as Professor for Medical Sociology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cologne. She is currently building up the new Chair of Medical Sociology within the Institute of Medical Sociology, Health Services Research and Rehabilitation Science (IMVR). Lena Ansmann is lecturing predominantly in the Human Medicine study program, where she is representing the field of Medical Sociology.
Since 2020 she is board member of the German Society of Medical Sociology (DGMS). Moreover, in 2022 she was elected into the board of the German Network Health Services Research (DNVF). Her research is located at the interface between Medical Sociology and Health Services Research. Her research focuses on the one hand on the wider context of healthcare, particularly on the organizational context in e.g. hospitals and private practices. On the other hand, she researches under which conditions patient-centered care can be realized and contributes to the development, evaluation and implementation of complex interventions in equally complex healthcare organizations.
- Medical sociology in the context of healthcare
- Organizational health services research
- Patient-centered care
- Evaluation and implementation of complex interventions in health care organizations