The Institute of Medical Sociology, Health Services Research, and Rehabilitation Science (IMVR) is a joint scientific institution of the Faculty of Human Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cologne.

We combine several scientific disciplines with a broad theoretical and empirical expertise.

Through our scientific work, we aim to improve health care by providing context and evidence that guides health care practice.

We focus on the conception, organization, implementation, and evaluation of studies in health care facilities as well as the interviewing of patients, employees, and management personnel.


We provide impetus for research and practice through high-quality basic and applied research. We seek answers to relevant scientific questions and work on the needs of practice.
Our goal is a health care system in which the effectiveness of interventions is transparent and decisions are evidence based.
We build bridges between research and education and between theory, empiricism, and practice across all health and care pathways.
Through our interdisciplinary team’s collaboration with patients, individuals with special needs, professional providers, and students, we incorporate our results in the discourses of society and translate the findings into teaching and practice.

Board of directors

Prof. Dr. Nicole Ernstmann

Chair of Health Services Research


Michael Herberz

Scientific officer Prof. Pfaff

Susanne Walke
Susanne Walke

Secretariat Prof. Pfaff

Research Infrastructure

MArkus Alich
Markus Alich

CareResearchLab Cologne

Nina Dräger
Nina Dräger

Teaching secretary

Andreas Meyer
Andreas Meyer


Mounia Bouibcha


Luise Stach von Goltzheim

Data and study management



Institute of
Medical Sociology,
Health Services Research and
Rehabilitation Science
Eupener Str. 129
50933 Köln (Braunsfeld)

Secretariat Prof. Pfaff
Teaching secretariat

You can find us here

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